Bumper peanut crop likely in Rangpur

  •  Published at 12:23 am June 24th, 2019
A women busy picking groundnuts from her charland in Rangpur BSS

Farmers in various villages across different upazilas of the region, including char and riverside areas,  said they were happy with their excellent crop of groundnuts this season
A bumper peanut or groundnut crop is expected in the Rangpur region and farmers have already started harvesting this season.
The Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) says farmers are getting a fair price for their peanuts, with prices ranging from Tk2,000 to Tk2,400 per maund (40 kg) at local markets.
The DAE set a target of 6,940 tons of groundnuts from 4,082 hectares of land for all five districts of Rangpur, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat in the region for this Kharip-1 season.
“However, farmers have cultivated peanuts on 4,527 hectares of land, exceeding the farming target by 445 hectares of land or 10.90%,” said Horticulture Specialist of the DAE at its regional office, Khondker Md Mesbahul Islam.
Talking to BSS, farmers in various villages across different upazilas of the region, including char and riverside areas,  said they were happy with their excellent crop of groundnuts this season.
Farmer Mohammad Sayeduzzman of Char Biswanath village in Kawnia upazila of Rangpur said his fortunes changed with peanut farming on sandy barren char lands, though he owned no land himself.
He has since purchased 17 acres of land over the last 20 years and he and his family now have a solvent life.
Farmer Rajibul Islam of the village has also become solvent and self-reliant with peanut farming on sandy char lands, and has already purchased 11 acres of land.
Farmer Noor Ali of Char Biswanath village in the upazila said he planted peanuts on 90 decimals of land this Kharip-1 season, with an investment of Tk16,000.
“I have started harvesting groundnuts now and hope to get 22 maunds of peanuts,” he said, expecting to earn a net profit of Tk35,000.
Farmer Md Dudu of Char Gonai village said he has planted groundnuts on 2.5 acres of land at a cost of around Tk45,000.
“I am hoping to get over 70 maunds of peanuts and earn a net profit of Tk1 lakh this season,” he said.
Like these farmers, many in different char villages and riverside areas of the region have gained solvency with peanut farming.
Kawnia Upazila Agriculture Officer of the DAE,, Saiful Islam said local farmers and char dwellers have farmed groundnuts on over 600 hectares of land in the upazila, mainly in sandy and riverside char areas.
He said a farmer generally spends about Tk18,000 per acre of land in peanut farming, and net profits stand at Tk45,000 on average.
Additional Director of the DAE for the Rangpur region, Muhammad Ali, said many poor people, mainly in char areas, have gained  financial independence by cultivating groundnuts twice annually in the Rabi and Kharif-1 seasons of the region.
“Peanut farming is rising every year as it has become a profitable crop. There is a huge demand for groundnuts in various food industries,” Ali added.

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