Hello guys I am Arman Ali ,
This is a quick tutorial for those persons who want to write in this blog.
Step 1: Give me your email id at classroom or sent me a text massage on Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/armanali999 ] or mail me [ armanalitanjum1998@gmail.com ]
Step 2: You will get an invitation once I add your email in this blog.
Step 3: Accept the invitation , You will see something like this.
Step 4: After that, you will be able to post in the blog and you will get a this type interface
Then, Click on the New post button . You will be redirect to a new page. In this page you will get all the options to write a post , its very similar with Microsoft Word. After writing your post just click on the publish button.
Step 5: All done. You should be able to see the post on https://nsueee452.blogspot.com/.
This is a quick tutorial for those persons who want to write in this blog.
Step 1: Give me your email id at classroom or sent me a text massage on Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/
Step 2: You will get an invitation once I add your email in this blog.
Step 3: Accept the invitation , You will see something like this.
Step 4: After that, you will be able to post in the blog and you will get a this type interface
Then, Click on the New post button . You will be redirect to a new page. In this page you will get all the options to write a post , its very similar with Microsoft Word. After writing your post just click on the publish button.
Step 5: All done. You should be able to see the post on https://nsueee452.blogspot.com/.
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