Science, Technology and Innovation: Underlying forces?
Unlike other living things, why are we into it?
Here is an attempt to articulate major forces shaping the contribution to Science, Technology, and Innovation. There appears to be four major forces:
- Curiosity--natural characteristics of human being to get to know the creation--why does it happen like it?
- Economic incentives--to acquire scientific knowledge, develop technology and convert it into innovation to get the job done better at less cost.
- Security urge--science and technology for innovating solutions for acquiring military power to defend as well as conquer.
- Religious instructions--instructions of the Holy Quran inspired Muslims to pursue science and technology-creating a new era.
At present, deriving economic incentive is the dominating force. Contemporary economic growth theories, like Paul Romer's endogenous technological change, is primarily around this force.
Look forward to sharing your views to fine tune this model of articulation of forces shaping the growth of Science, Technology, and Innovation--affecting our quality of living standards, security, jobs, and also spirituality.

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