Building a vibrant software services industry in Bangladesh

To me, globalisation is sourcing capital from where it is cheapest,
sourcing talent from where it is best available, producing where it is
most cost-effective and selling where it is most profitable -- without
being constrained by national boundaries.
In this globalised or flat world, every nation that has something to
contribute to the global bazaar can improve the lives of not just its
own people but people throughout the globe -- the rich and the poor, the
urban and the rural, the powerful and the weak, the educated and the
Never before in the last 200 years did the developing countries have
an opportunity to take their share of limelight as they do today and it
is all thanks to globalisation. In fact, currently, more than half of
the world’s GDP (measured on purchasing power parity) is accounted for
by the developing countries.
The globalised world is essentially about how fast you can innovate
and develop new ideas, implement them and gain competitive advantage in
the marketplace so that you can create a better company, society,
country and world. Thus, hardworking and well-educated people are the
key differentiators for a nation in this flat world.
It is quite natural for people to wonder whether technology, in
general, and software technology, in particular, have any major role in
helping the poor in such a world. They do and let me elaborate.
Technology makes the life of human beings more productive and more
comfortable by reducing cost, improving productivity, saving time and
improving comfort.
Let me give you a few examples to illustrate the power of IT for the
poor. Fishermen in Pondicherry use wave pattern data on the high seas
broadcast by the US Navy to improve their yield by as much as 40
percent. NASSCOM of India used IP-based videoconferencing to bring joy
and relief to a taxi driver and his family at Mumbai by connecting him
with his family in a remote village in Uttar Pradesh. A balance inquiry
at a manned bank counter costs Rs 40. The same transaction costs Rs 8 at
an automated teller machine while the internet brings the cost down to
just Rs 2.
Technology is a great leveller. It does not distinguish between the
rich and the poor. The use of the e-governance paradigm for deployment
of inexpensive, efficient, quick and corruption-free community services
is another case in point. Information technology enhances transparency
in decision making and, thus, improves the confidence of people in the
Now, let me come to an important reason for why Bangladesh with its
large educated population should embrace global software opportunities.
Today, we live in a global village. No country can afford to isolate
itself from the global market.
Even countries that did so for a few decades realised their mistake
and got back to the global bazaar and have succeeded in improving their
prosperity by enhancing the share of exports in their GDP. We have to
focus on an export orientation for a number of reasons.
First, every country leverages its competitive advantages to trade in
the global bazaar products and services that leverage these advantages.
This is the best way to create jobs in Bangladesh.
Second, you have to maintain a certain healthy proportion of exports
and domestic revenues in order to ensure balanced and de-risked growth
in the economy.
Third, an export orientation helps Bangladeshi enterprises benchmark
their products and services on a global scale. If you succeed in the
highly-competitive global market, you are likely to provide high-quality
products at the best prices even in the domestic market.
Now, let me come to what areas of software export Bangladesh can
focus on. Given its huge population and its large educated workforce,
the export of services based on remote application development and
maintenance (ADM) and business process outsourcing would be viable for
Bangladesh for a long time. This model would succeed as long as the
opportunity for outsourcing of software development and maintenance
The opportunity for outsourcing would remain as long as the
Bangladeshi software services companies introduce new IT service areas
through innovation.
It is important to remember that these new services require the
application development and maintenance skills though they may use
different languages, operating systems, data bases, object orientation
and a host of other new tools and paradigms.
The Bangladeshi software services companies must invest resources to
continue to explore new opportunities in services by innovating new
ideas and build on what they have already done.
They have to focus on attracting, enabling, empowering and retaining
the best and the brightest. This can happen through hygiene factors like
competitive compensation, good career planning, protecting dignity of
the professionals as well as enabling factors like 24 week-long
entry-level and week-long continuous training and certification
You have to invest in the latest technology and tools infrastructure,
in new methods of requirement elicitation, analysis, design and
software development and in new methods of improving quality and
You have to train your youngsters in understanding the difference
between value (what the customers obtain from your company) and price
(what your company gets from your customers). Your challenge is to
enhance value leverage or the ratio of value to price.
A big advantage of Bangladesh is its pool of well-educated,
high-quality, English-speaking people. In the software services
industry, scalability is of paramount importance and analytical
reasoning is critical.
Therefore, your talent pool is a unique asset. Your youngsters will
succeed if they are willing to unlearn old ideas, learn new ideas, apply
them and move from “reactive problem solving” to “proactive problem
identification and solution” for your customers.
The bulk of software services opportunity is in the US. The 10 to 13
hours difference in time zones between Bangladesh and the US facilitates
efficient project execution with compressed timeframes and through
seamlessly-integrated cross-border teams. The resulting 24-hour virtual
workday enables Bangladeshi software services companies and their
clients to leverage the benefits of globalisation.
Quality is a hygiene factor for software services companies. Quality
models like the ISO 9000 and Capability Maturity Model (CMM) of the
Software Engineering Institute form the process quality benchmarks for
the Bangladeshi software industry.
Bangladesh must provide easy access to latest hardware and software
technologies from advanced countries. Further, consultancy services in
software development, marketing, branding, quality and productivity
related areas from developed nations must be made available to
Bangladeshi companies.
Broadband communications infrastructure will help Bangladeshi
companies implement the global delivery model and use local talent to
service customers across the globe.
Bangladesh may like to introduce economic reforms to abolish
industrial licencing, rationalise taxes, create a strong thrust on
exports, reduce import tariffs, simplify foreign exchange regulation,
introduce free pricing of IPOs, encourage foreign participation in your
capital markets and to create a regulatory framework that permits
employee stock option plans.
Venture capital should be available in plenty for your entrepreneurs.
Further, debt finance should be available from banks as well as from
state-owned institutions even for companies that do not have large
physical assets.
Bangladesh must provide at least limited convertibility on the capital account to Bangladeshi global software corporations.
Acquisition guidelines must allow proven Bangladeshi software companies to acquire software companies in the developed world.
Bangladesh must invite leading software companies from across the globe to set up captive software development activities there.
Bangladeshi software companies must improve their brand image to move up their price points.
If Bangladesh implements most of the suggestions, I have no doubt
that Bangladesh will become a vibrant player in the global software
services market.
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